AccApp ’20, April 5-9, 2020 [UPDATE: POSTPONED]

February 5, 2020

UPDATE: AccApp ’20 Postponed (March 4, 2020)

As stated on the conference website, “Out of concern for our attendees’ safety, we have made the decision to postpone AccApp ’20 to an as-yet-undetermined date and location. The American Nuclear Society (ANS) has been monitoring the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) closely. The decision was based on the large number of attendees coming from countries currently affected by the COVID-19 outbreak and developing information regarding the spread within the United States. Many institutions and companies are discouraging international travel to limit the spread of the virus, which is why we think the best action is to postpone AccApp ’20 until a later date.”


NEC is sponsoring and will be attending the 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Applications of Accelerators (AccApp ’20) organized by the Accelerator Applications Division of the Americal Nuclear Society (ANS) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). AccApp ’20 will be held at the IAEA Headquarters in the Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria from April 5-9, 2020. Please visit NEC’s booth at the Exhibition Area.

See the website for more details.