NEC is the world’s leading provider of ion beam accelerator systems, components, and services.
NEC provides complete ion beam accelerator systems for many applications. Two major applications include Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) and Ion Beam Analysis (IBA).
NEC provides both negative and positive ion sources.
NEC provides a variety of components for ion beam diagnostics.
NEC provides beamline components designed to change direction or modify the size/shape of ion beams.
NEC provides acceleration tubes and other insulating assemblies for accelerators and high voltage decks.
NEC provides many components for your vacuum needs including valves, vibration isolators, turbo pump systems, and more.
NEC provides endstations designed for Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) techniques and implant systems.
NEC accelerators and subsystems can be fully computer controlled using in-house designed and built software and digital acquisition systems.
NEC provides various other beamline accessories including those for support of beamline components.